Invisalign Clear Braces Modesto


Although braces are quite often essential to continued dental health and having the confidence to smile, many people in The Modesto, Ca area  find the look of traditional ceramic braces unpleasant and distressing. For many people, a considerable amount of orthodontic work and orthodontic treatment is carried out during the teenage years; as you know, this is the time in a person’s life when they are particularly aware of their appearance and of course want to look as good as possible to themselves and others. Invisalign in Modesto and Invisalign Teen in Modesto is an innovative Orthodontic treatment that provides all the corrective characteristics of standard braces, but without the highly visible metal and wires which are typical of traditional braces. When Looking for Invisalign in Modesto, Pezoldt Orthodontics should be your next call.


Invisalign Clear Braces and Aligners ….

An Effective Alternative to Braces


Invisalign and Invisalign Teen can cost less than most people expect and Invisalign offers a multitude of advantageous over conventional braces. Invisalign aligners are both invisible and removable, enabling users to maintain their usual dental hygiene routine on daily basis. Fixed metal braces on the other hand can become breeding grounds for bacteria, as they are so difficult to keep clean. This in turn may increase the risk of tooth decay. Invisalign treatment is suitable for correcting over bites, under bites, overcrowded teeth and teeth that are too widely spaced, as well as a number of other dental problems that your board certified orthodontist can identify and correct as needed.


Invisalign Clear Braces Modesto, Boost Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem


An obvious major benefit of Invisalign clear orthodontic treatments for the residents of Modesto is that Invisalign is inconspicuous and invisible to most people. This can be important not only in terms of social interaction and self-esteem, but also in helping patients perform with more confidence at work, college or in other social settings. No like metal braces that often need to be worn for several years in order to achieve the desired result, Invisalign Teen and Invisalign for Adults are both visually appealing and more superior in treating a wide range of dental problems. Many parents find that their teenage children are more likely to comply with their orthodontic treatment regimen if Invisalign treatment is utilized.


Invisalign Modesto Appointments

To Schedule an appointment at Pezoldt Orthodontics to see if you are a candidate for Invisalign or Invisalign Teen and to have Clear Braces in our Modesto Office Please Contact Us at (209) 524-8381