Invisalign Specialist, With the increase in people’s awareness regarding their health and appearance, braces are more in demand now than ever. More and more people every day are seeking to repair their smiles with braces, but they hit a very common obstacle .. and that is the appearance of braces. The term “metal mouth” is used to indicate, which is unacceptable for almost everybody, especially adults.

Solution?? One word .. Invisalign

As we would explain, Invisalign solved all problems of metallic braces. You would be surprised how many people search for “Invisalign specialist, Modesto, CA”, but we’ll try to elaborate on that.

What is Invisalign?

One of the latest and greatest technological advances in the dental field. The idea for Invisalign was developed more than 10 years ago, and since then has reached whole new levels of advancement. Nowadays, Invisalign is capable of treating almost every problem related to teeth arrangement.

To simplify, Invisalign depends on the concept of successive pressure. Instead of the old fashioned metallic brackets and wires, Invisalign uses transparent invisible molds known as aligners placed on the outer surface of the teeth. These aligners apply pressure in a certain way to move the teeth to the desired location. Every patient needs around 20 to 25 aligners for full treatment.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

  • Improved appearance:

    No more metal .. that’s enough, isn’t it? The looks of traditional braces have been the single greatest reason that people defer from orthodontic treatment in the first place. So with Invisalign, not only has looks improved, but the number of patients seeking treatment has increased as well.

  • Shorter treatment time:

    Getting braces is a lengthy journey. In most cases, orthodontic treatment takes anywhere between 6 months and 2 years. With Invisalign, the average treatment time is around 1 year.

  • Higher accuracy:

    A computer is responsible for the entire treatment plan. This means virtually no errors, and incredible accuracy when it comes to outcomes.
    The computer also lays out the entire treatment plan even before you begin treatment. It generates a pre-treatment video, which shows you all the steps and final outcome, bringing more confidence and faith in the treatment.

  • Fewer visits to the orthodontist’s office:

    Not only is orthodontic treatment lengthy, but it also requires at least 1 visit every 3 to 4 weeks to your orthodontist. Over the treatment course, you would end up going to the office around 20 to 30 times!
    Invisalign has solved that too. The orthodontist provides a series of aligners, which you use over the period of 30 to 60 days. So you would need to visit your orthodontist far less, and therefore take less time and effort in your treatment.

The benefits of Invisalign over metallic braces are endless. If you happen to live in California, and looking for an Invisalign specialist in Modesto, CA population trusts Pezoldt orthodontics for all their related Invisalign and braces treatment. To book a consultation, you can reach us on 209-524-8381.